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Price list - August 2021 | |||
For purchase of ICC on-line publication, please visit here | |||
Pub No. | Title |
Price (HK$) |
984 | Making Money with Incoterms® 2010 | 600 |
809 | International Certificate of Origin Guidelines | 410 |
806 | New | ICC Handbook on Transport and the Incoterms 2020 rules | 620 |
806 ePUB | New | ICC Handbook on Transport and the Incoterms 2020 rules (ePub) | 460 |
803 | Incoterms 2020 Wall Chart (Set of 10 copies) | 690 |
803 | Incoterms 2020 Wall Chart (1 copy) | 80 |
801 ePUB | Retention of Title - A practical guide to legislation in 37 countries (ePub) | 430 |
795 | Business Guide to Trade and Investment - Volume 2 International Investment | 800 |
790 | ICC Guide to Export/Import - 5th edition | 800 |
781 | Business Guide to Trade and Investment - Volume 1 International Trade | 800 |
775 | ICC Guide on Transport and the Incoterms 2010 Rules | 520 |
754 | Using Franchising to Take Your Business International | 690 |
749 | Incoterms 2020 Pocketguide (Set of 5 copies) | 160 |
749 | Incoterms 2020 Pocketguide (1 copy) | 40 |
744 | INCOTERMS® 2010 Q&A | 620 |
741 | ICC Ethics and Compliance Training Handbook | 730 |
723 ePUB | Incoterms 2020 (ePub) | 380 |
723 | Incoterms 2020 | 480 |
722 | The Incoterms® 2010 Flip Book (in pack of 5 copies) | 410 |
721 | IIncoterms®2010 Pocket Guide (in pack of 5 copies) | 160 |
720 | ICC Guide to Incoterms 2010 | 730 |
716L | Incoterms 2010 Wall Chart (Set of 10 copies) | 690 |
715 | Incoterms 2010 | 420 |
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Pub No. | Title |
Price (HK$) |
1000C | UCP 600 - Legal Analysis and Case Studies | 1000 |
986 ePUB | 2018 Annual Review of International Banking Law & Practice (ePub) | 930 |
985 ePUB | 2017 Annual Review of International Banking Law & Practice - USB drive (ePub) | 930 |
979 | Banking Regulation – 2nd Edition | 3080 |
814 | New | International Standard Demand Guarantee Practice for URDG758 | 210 |
814 ePUB | New | International Standard Demand Guarantee Practice for URDG758 (ePub) | 170 |
807 ePUB | ICC Banking Commission Opinions 2018-2019 (e-Pub) | 240 |
802 ePUB | ICC Banking Commission Opinions 2017 - R886-R900 (e-Pub) | 240 |
800 | ICC Uniform Rules for Farfaiting (URF 800) | 250 |
799 ePUB | ICC Banking Commission Opinions 2016 (e-Pub) | 240 |
786 ePUB | Collected DOCDEX Decisions 2013-2016 (ePub) | 610 |
785 | ICC Banking Commission Opinions 2012-2016 | 730 |
758 | ICC Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees (2010 revision) | 210 |
751 | ICC Guide to Uniform Rules for Bank Payment Obligations(URBPO) | 800 |
750 | ICC Uniform Rules for Bank Payment Obligations(URBPO) | 210 |
745 | International Standard Banking Practice 2013 revision | 210 |
739 ePUB | Collected DOCDEX Decisions 2009-2012 (ePub) | 550 |
736 | The Law of Letters of Credit in China - copyright 2013 | 730 |
732 ePUB | ICC Banking Commission Opinion 2009-2011 (ePub) |
650 |
725 | ICC Uniform Rules for Bank-to-Bank Reimbursements (set of 10 leaflets) | 270 |
702 | Guide to ICC Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees (URDG 758) | 1170 |
694 | User's Handbook for Documentary Credits under UCP 600 | 600 |
683 ePUB | The Complete UCP 600 (ePub) | 430 |
682 | Insights into UCP 600 | 480 |
681 | International Standard Banking Practice 2007 revision | 140 |
680 | Commentary on UCP 600 | 480 |
600LF | UCP 600 Leaflet (Pack of 25 leaflets) | 630 |
600BK | UCP 600 (2007 version) | 150 |
600 | UCP for Documentary Credits UCP600 (updated 2019 to include eUCP 2.0) | 210 |
590 | ISP 98 International Standby Practices - booklet format | 250 |
524 ePUB | Uniform Rules for Contract Bonds | 190 |
522 | Uniform Rules for Collections (including eURC 1.0) | 210 |
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Pub No. | Title |
Price (HK$) |
988 | Handbook of ICC Arbitration - 4th Edition | 3070 |
987 | Collection of ICC Arbitral Awards 2012-2015 | 3240 |
810 | Explaining Why You Lost - Reasoning in Arbitration Dossier XVIII | 790 |
804 | A Guide to Arbitration in the UAE | 720 |
796 | Hardship and Force Majeure in International Commercial Contracts | 790 |
793 | Expedited Procedures in International Arbitration - Dossier XVI | 790 |
792 | Dispute Prevention and Settlement through Expert Determination and Dispute Boards, Dossier XV | 790 |
789 | Summaries of UAE Court's Decisions on Arbitration | 840 |
783 | Mediation Practice - 8 Cultures, 16 Cases, 128 Creative Solutions | 800 |
782 | ICC Arbitration in Practice | 1840 |
778 ePUB | Dispute Resolution in Climate Change (ePub) | 460 |
777 | AGREED! - Negotiation/mediation in the 21st century | 800 |
772 | International Arbitration Under Review | 1420 |
771 | Class and Group Actions in Arbitration - Dossier XIV | 790 |
768 | Addressing Issues of Corruption in Commercial and Investment Arbitration - Dossier XIII | 790 |
765 | International Commercial Mediation Training Role-Plays | 1220 |
755 | Jurisdictional Choices in Times of Trouble - Institute Dossier XII | 790 |
753 | The Application of Substantive Law by International Arbitrators | 790 |
752 | Third Party Funding in International Arbitration | 790 |
748 | Collection of ICC Arbitral Awards 2008-2011 | 3240 |
746 | Summaries of UAE Court's Decisions on Arbitration | 840 |
737 | Players' Interaction in International Arbitration | 790 |
729 | The Secretariat's Guide to ICC Arbitration | 1250 |
714 | Is Arbitration only as good as the Arbitrator? - Dossier VIII | 790 |
701 | Multiparty Arbitration - Dossier VII, Institute Series | 790 |
699 | ICC Arbitral Awards 2001-2007 | 3060 |
698 | Written Evidence and Discovery in International Arbitration - Dossier VI | 790 |
692 | Parallel State and Arbitral Procedures in International Arbitration | 790 |
689 | Arbitration and Oral Evidence - Dossier II | 790 |
684 | Interest, Auxiliary and Alternative Remedies in International Arbitration | 790 |
668 | Evaluation of Damages in International Arbitration - Dosier IV | 790 |
651 | Money Laundering, Corrpution and Fraud - Dossier V | 790 |
16BUL2 | 2016 ICC Dispute Resolution Bulletin - Issue 2 | 1040 |
15BUL2 | 2015 ICC Dispute Resolution Bulletin - Issue 2 | 1040 |
15BUL1 | 2015 ICC Dispute Resolution Bulletin - Issue 1 | 1040 |
BUL24SUP | Tackling Corruption in Arbitration | 790 |
BUL | International Court of Arbitration Bulletin 25-1 (2014 Edition) | 730 |
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Pub No. | Title |
Price (HK$) |
815 ePUB | New | ICC Model Contracts for Start-ups (ePub) | 850 |
811 | ICC Model Contract: International Sale (Manufactured Goods) - with USB Key | 790 |
797 | ICC Model Turnkey Contract for Major Projects | 790 |
791 ePUB | ICC Short Form Model Contracts: International Commercial Agency and Distributorship (ePub) | 580 |
788 | Drafting and Negotiating International Commercial Contracts - 3rd Edition | 1530 |
787 | ICC Model Contract: International Consulting Services: Expanding into a new market with USB | 730 |
780 | ICC Model Contract: Joint Venture with USB Key | 730 |
779 | ICC Model Contract “Consortium Agreement” | 730 |
776 | ICC Model Contract on Distributorship | 730 |
774 | ICC Model Confidentiality Agreement - with USB Key | 730 |
773 | ICC Model Contract “Selective Distribution - with USB Key | 730 |
769 | Occasional Intermediary Model Contract - with USB Key | 730 |
766 | ICC Model Commercial Agency Contract - with USB Key | 730 |
712 | ICC Model International Franchising Contract (CD rom included) | 730 |
706 | ICC Model Subcontract (CD rom included) | 730 |
674 | ICC Model International Transfer of Technology Contract (CD rom included) | 730 |
673 | ICC Model International Trademarks Licence (CD rom included) | 730 |
656 | ICC Model Mergers and Acquisitions Contract 1: Share Purchase Agreement | 730 |
653 | ICC Model Contract for the Turnkey Supply of an Industrial Plant | 730 |